Thursday, August 16, 2012

Barely a conversion to be had.

Been watching my downloads on My Animal Age and Free and have noticed that I have not had a single person pay for My Animal Age since the 16th of July. And before that? 19th of June.

So one has to wonder a few things. Is it the app? Is it the marketplace and lack of desire to pay for apps? Is it just not that kind of app that receives tons of attention? What could it be?

Paying attention to the twitter stream, I see plenty of people talking of thousands of downloads, a good conversion rate and really decent money being made. Nothing spectacular, but the returns they receive would have paid for my tools and time investment.

I think it's time I take a look at the trial and see if something is wrong but nobody wants to tell me. And if you happen to be one of those that have tried my app's trial and would like to let me in on a secret I don't know, drop a comment. :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Integrating with Facebook.

Well, I'm happy with my first app (and it's free version) and now it's time to officially move on.

Actually, I already did, I just haven't said it yet. :)

So, no reveal yet but I am working pretty heavily on it's Facebook integration. In particular, getting the users name and stuff and to access their photos for the apps primary usage.

I am using the not-so-well-documented Facebook C# SDK and so far, so good. The really hard part right now is deserializing teh JSON. This is all new to me, so I'm having fun here.