Monday, May 21, 2012

Downloads slowly climbing

I'm up to 33 downloads, with 2 purchases! It's obviously a very slow start but I never expected this to make any real money. more for fun and for experience. If I hit paydirt, then that's just icing on the cake!

I think it's also going to really help that I started advertising on a site called Windows Phone Parent on the side bar and I guess they get pretty good traffic. My downloads trickled away until I did the advertising and then it started up again. So I think it's helping.

No where to go but up from here!


  1. Did you do both a free preview version and a paid version? If not, how does this work with downloads versus purchases?

    Still congrats man! This is great!

  2. Windows Phone has a built in Trial api so that you can limit functionality when trial is enabled. This is done automatically by Microsoft, so if you implement the code to detect trial status, the marketplace automatically (or manually by some lacky) provides a trial button next to the buy button.
    In short, I made it so that only 2 animals are viewable in trial.

    And, I believe the other answer you're looking for is: the breakdown of downloads and purchases shows the number of trials downloaded versus purchases. However, say, if it says 100 trials and 50 the count of trials including those that downloaded the trial and then purchased it? so technically the 50 purchases may encompass part of those 100 trials?

    See what I am wondering? I need to research that some more.

    As it stands right now, I am sitting at 37 downloads and getting 1 download a day from 5/12 to 5/18 (the reports are delayed, obviously).
